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Playing The Game World of Tanks | The Best Games Reviews 2024 -25

Today I will discuss about the different poles of World Of Tank.

Playing The Game World of Tanks

Playing The Game World of Tanks is a compelling multiplayer online game that has gained popularity for its unique blend of tank warfare, strategic gameplay, and progression mechanics. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the game offers a diverse and expansive roster of tanks from various nations and eras, providing players with a rich array of choices.

Playing The Game World of Tanks

We will find out in this post

  • What is World of Tanks
  • How do I start playing World of Tanks
  • What are the different types of tanks in the game
  • How does the progression system work
  • What are Crew Skills and Perks
  • How does the matchmaking system work
  • How can I earn credits and experience faster
  • What are Premium Tanks?
  • How does the in-game economy work
  • World Of Tank Pros & Cons
  • World Of Tanks Conclusion

What is World of Tanks

Playing The Game World of Tanks is a popular multiplayer online game developed by Wargaming. It falls under the category of vehicular combat games and focuses specifically on tank warfare. The game is free-to-play and features a blend of strategic thinking, teamwork, and individual skill.

Playing The Game World of Tanks

Key Features:

1.Tank Variety: Playing The Game World of Tanks offers a wide range of tanks from different nations and historical periods. These tanks are categorized into light tanks, medium tanks, heavy tanks, tank destroyers, and self-propelled guns (SPGs).

2. Team-Based Battles: Playing The Game World of Tanks The gameplay revolves around team-based battles, usually with 15 players on each side. Teams must work together to achieve objectives, which often include capturing a base or eliminating the opposing team.

3. Progression System: Playing The Game World of Tanks  The game employs a progression system where players start with basic tanks and gradually unlock and upgrade to more powerful vehicles. Progression is achieved by earning experience points (XP) and credits in battles.

4. Clan Wars: Playing The Game World of Tanks includes a feature called Clan Wars, where player-formed clans compete for territory on a global map. Clan Wars involve strategic gameplay and territorial control.

5. Crew Management: Each tank is operated by a crew, and players can train their crew members to gain skills and perks that enhance various aspects of tank performance.

6. Realism and Simulation Elements: While not a full simulation game, Playing The Game World of Tanks incorporates realistic elements in terms of tank physics, armor, and historical accuracy in tank models.

7. In-Game Economy: Playing The Game World of Tanks economy involves two main currencies—credits and gold. Credits are earned in battles and used for purchasing new tanks, equipment, and consumables. Gold is a premium currency that can be used for special features.

8. Regular Updates: Playing The Game World of Tanks is regularly updated with new tanks, maps, and features. Events, missions, and campaigns are also introduced to keep the gameplay fresh and engaging.

9. Competitive Play: Playing The Game World of Tanks has a strong focus on competitive play, with ranked battles, tournaments, and esports events attracting skilled players from around the world.

Overall, Playing The Game World of Tanks has garnered a large player base and is known for its immersive tank battles, historical authenticity, and ongoing support and development by the game's creators, Wargaming.

How do I start playing World of Tanks

Playing The Game World of Tanks

To start playing Playing The Game World of Tanks, follow these steps:

1. Create an Account:
  • Visit the official World of Tanks website
  • Click on the "Play for Free" or "Download Game" button.
  • Create a new account by providing the necessary information, including a valid email address.
2. Download and Install the Game:
  • After creating an account, you'll be prompted to download the game client.
  • Download the client suitable for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or console).
  • Install the game by following the on-screen instructions.
3. Launch the Game:
  • Once the installation is complete, launch the game.
4. Choose a Server:
  • Select the game server you want to play on. Choose the server that is geographically closest to your location for better latency.
5. Create Your Tanker Profile:
  • Customize your tanker profile by selecting a username, choosing an avatar, and setting other preferences.
6. Complete Tutorial and Training:
  • World of Tanks features a tutorial that introduces you to basic gameplay mechanics. Complete the tutorial to get familiar with controls, objectives, and tank handling.
7. Start Playing Battles:
  • After the tutorial, you can start participating in battles. Choose a tank from your garage and click the "Battle" button to enter matchmaking.
8. Upgrade and Research:
  • As you participate in battles, you'll earn experience points (XP) and credits. Use XP to research and unlock upgrades for your tanks, and credits to purchase new tanks and equipment.
9. Join a Clan (Optional):
  • If you're interested in more organized gameplay, consider joining a clan. Clans participate in Clan Wars and other clan-related activities.
10. Explore Additional Features:
  • World of Tanks offers various features, including special events, missions, and campaigns. Explore these to earn extra rewards and bonuses.
11. Check for Updates:
  • World of Tanks is regularly updated with new content and features. Make sure to check for updates to stay current with the latest improvements and additions.
Remember that Playing The Game World of Tanks is a game that rewards practice and strategy, so take your time to learn the mechanics, experiment with different tank types, and enjoy the battles. If you have any specific questions or need assistance, the in-game tutorial and community forums can be valuable resources.

What are the different types of tanks in the game

In Playing The Game World of Tanks, tanks are categorized into several types, each with its own role on the battlefield. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the main types of tanks in the game include:

1. Light Tanks:
  • Role: Scouts and reconnaissance
  • Characteristics: Lightly armored with high speed and agility, suitable for quickly spotting enemy positions.
2. Medium Tanks:
  • Role: Versatile and balanced
  • Characteristics: Medium armor and mobility, offering a balance between speed, firepower, and durability.
3. Heavy Tanks:
  • Role: Frontline brawlers and damage-soakers
  • Characteristics: Heavily armored with powerful guns, designed to withstand incoming fire and lead assaults.
4. Tank Destroyers:
  • Role: Ambush and long-range support
  • Characteristics: High damage output and camouflage, often with less armor, suitable for ambushing enemies and providing long-range fire support.
5. Self-Propelled Guns (SPGs) or Artillery:
  • Role: Long-range indirect fire support
  • Characteristics: Stationary vehicles with powerful artillery cannons, used to deliver high-explosive shells over long distances.
These types are further divided into specific tank lines and nations, each featuring unique tanks with distinct characteristics and playstyles. Playing The Game World of Tanks Games Players can choose their preferred type based on their preferred gameplay style, whether it be scouting, flanking, brawling, sniping, or providing support from a distance.

It's worth noting that game updates may introduce new tanks or balance changes, so it's a good idea to check the official World of Tanks website or the in-game tech tree for the most up-to-date information on tank types and characteristics.

How does the progression system work 

Playing The Game World of Tanks

The progression system in Playing The Game World of Tanks is designed to allow players to advance through the game, unlock new tanks, and improve their existing ones. Here's an overview of how the progression system works:

1. Experience Points (XP):
  • Players earn experience points (XP) by participating in battles. The amount of XP earned depends on the player's performance in the battle, including damage dealt, enemies spotted, and objectives completed.
2. Tank Experience:
  • XP is specific to each tank in your garage. This means that the XP earned in battles is associated with the tank you were using. This XP is used to research and unlock upgrades and modules for that particular tank.
3. Research:
  • Playing The Game World of Tanks Tech Tree, players can see the various tanks available for research. To unlock a new tank, players need to research and unlock all the required modules on the previous tank in the line.
4. Tank Modules:
  • Tanks have various modules, such as engines, guns, turrets, and tracks. Researching and unlocking these modules using XP improves the tank's performance and unlocks the ability to research the next tank in the line.
5. Credits:
  • Credits are the in-game currency used for purchasing tanks, modules, equipment, consumables, and other items. Players earn credits by participating in battles, and the amount earned depends on the player's performance.
6. Tank Purchase:
  • Once all the required modules on a tank are researched, players can use credits to purchase the next tank in the line. The new tank is then added to their garage, and they can continue progressing through the Tech Tree.
7. Crew Skills and Perks:
  • Crew members gain experience as well. Players can use this experience to train their crew in specific skills and perks, improving various aspects of tank performance and crew survivability.
8. Elite Status:
  • Once a tank has researched all available modules and reached its maximum XP, it achieves "elite" status. Elite tanks can accumulate Free XP, which can be used to unlock modules or research any tank in the Tech Tree.
9. Premium Account and Premium Tanks:
  • Having a premium account accelerates XP and credit earnings. Premium tanks also provide increased XP and credit bonuses, making progression faster.
10. Events and Missions:
  • Participating in special events, missions, and campaigns often provides additional XP, credits, and other rewards, helping players progress more quickly.
The progression system encourages players to explore different tank lines, experiment with various playstyles, and gradually advance through the Tech Tree to unlock more powerful and advanced tanks.

What are Crew Skills and Perks

Playing The Game World of Tanks, Crew Skills and Perks are an essential aspect of tank customization that allows players to enhance the performance of their tank and crew. As crew members gain experience in battles, players can allocate that experience to train their crew in specific skills and perks. Here's a breakdown of Crew Skills and Perks:

1. Crew Skills:

  • Crew Skills are general abilities that improve various aspects of tank performance. As crew members gain experience, players can use that experience to train their crew in specific skills. Unlike perks, crew skills provide gradual and continuous improvements.
Some common crew skills include:
  • Repair: Speeds up the repair of damaged modules.
  • Camouflage: Reduces the chance of being spotted by enemies.
  • Brothers in Arms: Provides a bonus to all crew skills when the entire crew has the skill trained.
  • Firefighting: Improves the crew's ability to extinguish fires.

2. Crew Perks:

  • Crew Perks are special abilities that provide significant advantages but only become active once they are fully trained. Unlike crew skills, which provide incremental benefits as they are trained, perks do not provide any benefit until they reach 100% training.
Some common crew perks include:
  • Sixth Sense: Alerts the player when their tank is spotted by the enemy.
  • Safe Stowage: Increases ammo rack durability, reducing the chance of ammo rack explosions.
  • Snap Shot: Reduces the accuracy penalty for firing the gun while the tank is moving.
  • Situational Awareness: Increases the view range of the tank.
Training Crew Skills and Perks:
  • Crew experience earned in battles is used to train crew members in both skills and perks.
  • Players can choose which skills or perks to train for each crew member, allowing for customization based on the player's preferred playstyle.
  • Crew members can be retrained for a different tank, but there is a penalty if the crew is retrained for a different vehicle type (e.g., from a light tank to a heavy tank).
Brothers in Arms:
  • Brothers in Arms is a special crew skill that provides a bonus to all crew skills when all members of the tank's crew have it trained. It encourages players to focus on a specific set of crew skills to maximize their effectiveness.
Crew Skills and Perks add depth to the gameplay by allowing players to tailor their tank's performance to their preferred style of play. Choosing the right combination of skills and perks can significantly impact a tank's effectiveness on the battlefield.

How does the matchmaking system work 

Playing The Game World of Tanks uses a matchmaking system to assemble teams for battles, aiming to create balanced and fair matchups. The matchmaking system takes into account several factors to ensure that battles are challenging and enjoyable for all players. Here's an overview of how the matchmaking system works:

1. Battle Tiers:
  • Tanks in the game are divided into different tiers, ranging from Tier I (low-tier) to Tier X (high-tier). The matchmaking system attempts to assemble teams with a balanced distribution of tank tiers.
2. Tank Type Balance:
  • The system considers the types of tanks (light, medium, heavy, tank destroyers, and SPGs) when forming teams. Each team should have a relatively equal distribution of tank types.
3. Platoon Balance:
  • If players form a platoon (a group of tanks playing together), the matchmaking system takes into account the tier and type of the tanks in the platoon to create balanced matchups.
4. Templates:
  • Matchmaking templates define the permissible combinations of tank types and tiers in a battle. For example, a template might allow for a maximum of three top-tier tanks, balanced by a specific number of mid-tier and low-tier tanks.
5. Waiting Time:
  • The system aims to create battles quickly, but if there's an extended wait time, it may expand the criteria for assembling teams to include a wider range of tank tiers.
6. Skill-Based Matchmaking (Skill MM):
  • As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, World of Tanks primarily uses a template-based matchmaking system. However, there have been discussions and experiments with skill-based matchmaking in the game. Skill MM takes into account player skill levels when forming teams, ensuring that teams are balanced in terms of player experience and skill.
7. Randomized Elements:
  • The matchmaking system introduces a degree of randomness to avoid predictable patterns and to keep the gameplay experience diverse.
It's important to note that while the matchmaking system strives for fairness, there may be instances where teams are not perfectly balanced due to factors like player population and waiting times. Additionally, adjustments and improvements to the matchmaking system may be made through updates and patches to enhance the overall player experience.

Keep in mind that the specifics of the matchmaking system may evolve over time as the game is updated, so it's a good idea to check the official World of Tanks website or community forums for the latest information.

How can I earn credits and experience faster

Earning credits and experience faster in World of Tanks involves optimizing your gameplay, using certain strategies, and taking advantage of in-game features. Here are some tips to help you earn credits and experience more efficiently:

1. Perform Well in Battles:

· Deal damage to enemy tanks, assist in spotting, and earn ribbons (medals) to maximize your XP and credit earnings.
  • Win battles, as the winning team typically receives a bonus.
2. Use Premium Account:
  • Consider investing in a Premium Account, which provides a significant boost to both XP and credit earnings. Premium Accounts can be purchased with real money or in-game gold.
3. Play Premium Tanks:
  • Premium tanks earn more credits and experience per battle compared to regular tanks. If you have a premium tank, use it to grind credits and train crews.
4. Activate Boosters:
  • Use boosters (consumable items) to temporarily increase your XP and credit earnings. Boosters can be earned through missions, events, or purchased in the Premium Shop.
5. Complete Missions and Events:
  • Participate in special missions and events that offer bonus XP, credits, and other rewards. Check the in-game mission interface regularly for ongoing events.
6. Join a Clan:
  • Participate in clan activities, such as Strongholds and Clan Wars, which can provide additional rewards and bonuses.
7. Premium Consumables:
  • Use premium consumables sparingly, as they can enhance your tank's performance but come at a higher cost. Consider using them only in battles where they are crucial.
8. Utilize Personal Reserves:
  • Activate Personal Reserves, which are special bonuses that provide increased XP and credit earnings for a set duration. You can earn Personal Reserves through missions or events.
9. Focus on Daily Wins:
  • Try to secure victories in your first few battles each day, as the game often provides a daily win bonus.
10. Efficient Crew Training: 
  • Train your crew members to use specific skills and perks that enhance your tank's performance, improving your overall effectiveness on the battlefield.
11. Premium Ammunition: 
  • Use premium ammunition sparingly, as it is more expensive than standard rounds. Reserve premium ammo for situations where it is necessary to penetrate heavily armored opponents.
12. Optimize Equipment:
  •  Equip your tank with the most effective combination of modules and equipment for your playstyle. This can improve your performance in battles.
Remember that consistent and skillful play, combined with strategic use of in-game features, will contribute to faster credit and experience accumulation over time. Additionally, staying informed about ongoing events and updates in the game can help you take advantage of special opportunities for increased rewards.

What are Premium Tanks

Playing The Game World of Tanks

Premium Playing The Game World of Tanks are special vehicles that offer a number of advantages compared to regular, non-premium tanks. Here are some key characteristics and features of Premium Tanks:

1. Credit and Experience Multipliers:
  • Playing The Game World of Tanks have increased credit and experience (XP) earning capabilities compared to regular tanks. This allows players to accumulate credits and XP more quickly when playing these vehicles.
2. Crew Training:
  • Premium Tanks serve as excellent crew trainers. The crew members in a Premium Tank can be from any nation or tank type, and they will earn experience that can be used to train crews for other tanks without any penalties.
3. Free Experience:
  • Playing The Game World of Tanks generate Free Experience (XP) that can be used on any tank in the game, not just the tank they are associated with.
4. Availability for Purchase:
  • Premium Tanks are often available for purchase in the Premium Shop using real money or in-game gold. Some Premium Tanks are also awarded as prizes during special events or missions.
5. Unique Tanks:
  • Many Premium Tanks are unique and not available in the regular Tech Tree. Some are historical vehicles, while others are fictional or prototypes.
6. Variety of Nations and Classes:
  • Premium Tanks are available for various nations and tank classes, including light tanks, medium tanks, heavy tanks, tank destroyers, and artillery (SPGs).
7. Special Camouflage:
  • Some Premium Tanks come with special or unique camouflage patterns, making them visually distinct on the battlefield.
8. Premium Account Synergy:
  • Playing a Premium Tank while having a Premium Account further boosts credit and experience earnings, providing a synergistic effect.
9. Event Rewards:
  • Premium Tanks are sometimes given as rewards during special events, missions, or campaigns. Participating in these activities can provide players with the opportunity to obtain premium vehicles without spending money.
It's important to note that while Premium Tanks offer several advantages, they still follow the core gameplay mechanics of World of Tanks. They have strengths and weaknesses, and success in battles also depends on player skill and strategy.

When considering the purchase of a Premium Tank, it's advisable to choose one that complements your preferred playstyle or helps train crews for specific tanks in your garage. Additionally, keep an eye on special offers, events, and announcements from Wargaming for opportunities to obtain Premium Tanks through in-game activities.

How does the in-game economy work

Playing The Game World of Tanks economy in World of Tanks revolves around two primary currencies: credits and gold. These currencies are used for various purposes, such as purchasing tanks, equipment, consumables, and other items. Here's an overview of how the in-game economy works:

1. Credits:
  • Earning Credits: Credits are the primary in-game currency earned through participating in battles. The amount of credits you earn depends on your performance in battles, including damage dealt, enemies spotted, and objectives completed.
  • Spending Credits:
  • Tank Purchase: Credits are used to purchase new tanks as you progress through the Tech Tree.
  • Equipment: Credits are spent on purchasing and mounting equipment on your tanks to enhance their performance.
  • Consumables: Credits are used to buy consumable items like first aid kits, repair kits, and fire extinguishers.
  • Ammunition: Regular ammunition (AP, HE, etc.) is purchased with credits. Premium ammunition, which offers better penetration values, comes at a higher credit cost.
  • Crew Training and Retraining: Using credits, you can train and retrain crew members for your tanks.
2. Gold:
  • Earning Gold: Gold is the premium in-game currency that can be purchased with real money. It can also be earned as rewards during special events, missions, and campaigns.
  • Spending Gold:
  • Premium Account: Gold is used to purchase Premium Account time, which provides bonuses to XP and credit earnings.
  • Premium Tanks: Gold is spent on purchasing premium vehicles, which offer increased credit and experience multipliers.
  • Crew Training and Retraining: Gold can be used to retrain crew members without losing experience.
  • Demounting Equipment: If you want to move equipment from one tank to another, you can spend gold to demount it without losing the equipment.
3. Free Experience (XP):
  • Earning Free XP: Free Experience (XP) is earned in battles and is separate from tank-specific experience. Some Premium Tanks and Premium Account time allow you to convert tank-specific XP into Free XP.
  • Spending Free XP:
  • Researching Tanks and Modules: Free XP can be used to unlock and research tanks and modules in the Tech Tree without having to play battles in a specific tank.
4. Events and Special Offers:
  • Wargaming regularly introduces events, missions, and special offers that provide players with opportunities to earn additional credits, experience, and gold.
5. Personal Reserves and Boosters:
  • Personal Reserves are special bonuses that can be activated to increase XP and credit earnings for a specified duration. Some boosters are earned through missions or events.
6. Economy and Premium Account Synergy:
  • Using a Premium Account while playing battles in Premium Tanks provides a synergistic effect, boosting both credit and experience earnings.
Understanding the in-game economy is crucial for effective progression and resource management. Players should balance their spending, prioritize upgrades and purchases, and take advantage of special events to maximize their credit and experience gains.

World Of Tank Pros & Cons

Playing The Game World of Tanks

Certainly! Here's a list of pros and cons for Playing The Game World of Tanks:


1. Diverse Tank Selection: Playing The Game World of Tanks features a wide variety of tanks from different nations and historical periods, providing players with a diverse range of choices for gameplay.

2. Team-Based Battles:
The game emphasizes teamwork, requiring players to coordinate strategies and work together to achieve victory in battles.

3. Strategic Gameplay: Playing The Game World of Tanks requires strategic thinking, map awareness, and knowledge of tank strengths and weaknesses, adding depth to the gameplay.

4. Progression System: Playing The Game World of Tanks game has a satisfying progression system where players unlock and upgrade tanks, providing a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

5. Regular Updates: Wargaming consistently updates the game with new content, tanks, maps, and features, keeping the gameplay fresh and engaging.

6. Clan Wars and Strongholds: The inclusion of clan-based activities, such as Clan Wars and Strongholds, adds a layer of competitiveness and social interaction.

7. Realistic Tank Models: Tanks are modeled with attention to detail, offering a realistic visual experience and historical accuracy.

8. Free-to-Play Model: World of Tanks is free to play, allowing players to access the core game without spending money. Premium content is optional and doesn't provide a direct gameplay advantage.


1. Steep Learning Curve: New players may find the game challenging due to a steep learning curve, especially when it comes to understanding tank characteristics, maps, and game mechanics.

2. Artillery Controversy: Some players find the inclusion of artillery (SPGs) controversial, as it introduces a different style of play that some argue can be less interactive for both artillery players and their targets.

3. Matchmaking Issues: Matchmaking can sometimes result in imbalanced teams, with uneven distributions of tank tiers and types.

4. Gold Ammo Concerns: The use of premium ammunition (gold ammo) that provides better penetration can lead to concerns about game balance, as it can be purchased with gold or credits.

5. Grinding for Upgrades: Progression through the Tech Tree can be time-consuming, requiring players to grind through battles to unlock and research new tanks and modules.

6. In-Game Economy: Some players may find it challenging to manage the in-game economy effectively, especially without a Premium Account or premium tanks.

7. Limited Maps for Low Tiers: At lower tiers, there are fewer maps available, which can lead to repetitive gameplay experiences.

8. RNG Element: The game Playing The Game World of Tanks includes a random number generator (RNG) element in terms of shot accuracy, damage, and module damage, which can lead to frustrating or unpredictable moments.

Ultimately, the pros and cons of Playing The Game World of Tanks can vary based on individual preferences and playstyles. The game offers a unique blend of strategic tank battles that appeal to a wide audience of players.

World Of Tank Conclusion

Playing The Game World of Tanks
Playing The Game World of Tanks is a compelling multiplayer online game that has gained popularity for its unique blend of tank warfare, strategic gameplay, and progression mechanics. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the game offers a diverse and expansive roster of tanks from various nations and eras, providing players with a rich array of choices.

The game's strengths lie in its team-based battles that require coordination and strategy. The strategic element, combined with a progression system that allows players to unlock and upgrade tanks, provides a sense of achievement and progression. Regular updates from the developers, Wargaming, ensure that the game stays fresh with new content, features, and improvements.

While Playing The Game World of Tanks has garnered a large and dedicated player base, it's not without its challenges. New players may find a steep learning curve, and some aspects of the game, such as artillery and matchmaking, have been subjects of player discussions and debates. The inclusion of a free-to-play model, where premium content is optional and doesn't provide a direct gameplay advantage, contributes to the game's accessibility. Wikipedia

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